Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sex is Magnetic Kundalini

Sex transcends a mere physical experience.There are energies of the spiritual nature in effect. Spiritual connections and bonds form during this sacred exchange of energy. A conscious person will ask him or herself questions about the partner they are choosing.

Before a man enters a womans Yoni/womb, a conscious person should consider first is their partner conscious, awakened , spiritual, etc. What types of energy will you two be transferring between each other. Is your partner angry alot, bitter, negative, hateful? Do they love you, do they love themselves.

Sex is a ritual where there is an exchange of energies, thoughts, emotions, etc..During this process your defenses are down and you become a sponge that will soak up the energies of the other person. Ask yourself, "How do you feel after having sex?" Are they draining your life force energy? Do you feel extremely tired or sleepy every single time you have sex with them. Or are they recharging, refueling and healing your life force energy? Always be conscious of the true power of Sex. -Magnetic Kundalini-

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tantra Role of Woman

Part of... The Role of Women in Tantra

Aspects of awakening

In the ordinary human society, man and woman are the two different poles of energy. These energy poles have been discussed in detail in the ancient tantric tradition. You may have seen a photograph of Kali standing practically naked, with one foot placed on Shiva, who is flat on the ground. She has a ferocious expression, a blood stained tongue and a mala of 108 human skulls. That is Kali in the awakened state. You may also have come across some pictures, though they are very rare, of Shiva seated in lotus posture. Half of his body is Shiva and half is Shakti. Then, you may have seen the picture of Shiva and Parvati sitting in the position of guru and disciple. Shiva is seated in lotus posture, and Parvati is seated on a lower platform. Shiva is instructing her in the secrets of tantra. These are three examples. The fourth example, you may also have heard about. About 110 miles from Monghyr is a very important centre of tantra known as Tarapeetha. There you can see Lord Shiva sucking at the breast of Shakti.

These are the relationships between Shiva and Shakti at different levels of evolution and awakening. At one point, Shakti is the disciple and Shiva is the guru; that is, woman is the disciple and man is the guru. At another level, they are not at all different. Shiva and Shakti are intertwined together in one body, one frame and one idea. At yet another kevel of evolution, Shakti is supreme and Shiva is subservient. Now, this is the philosophical interpretation of the stages of awakening of the inherent shakti in everybody.

Spiritual awareness of the woman

In the tantric tradition, the woman is considered to be higher than the man so far as the tantric initiations are concerned. This should by no means be understood as a social claim. It is purely a spiritual attitude in relation to the evolution of higher consciousness. The frame of a woman, her emotions, and her psychic evolution is definitely higher than that of a man. Awakening of the spiritual force, that is, kundalini, is much easier in the body of a woman than in the body of a man.

Besides this, there is another important point that we have to understand. Generally, a man who goes into the deeper realms of mind and comes out, is not able to bring those experiences back with him, but a woman can. It seems to me that there is very little difference between a woman's inner and outer awareness. When you go very deep into your consciousness, you have certain experiences. But when you return from that deeper state of mind to the gross awareness, a veil falls in between those experiences and the conscious mind. In the case of a woman, this veil does not fall.

Apart from this, the psychic being of a woman is highly charged with spiritual awareness. The external expression that you will find in a woman or in a girl - love for beauty, tenderness, sympathy, understanding, are expressions of her inner state. I usually make a joke. I say, if all women leave this world, it would become a desert. There would be no colours, perfumes, smiles or beauty. This indicates that the inner awareness of woman is very receptive and ready to explode.

In the realm of kundalini yoga also, the woman's body is charged by a particular centre. Mooladhara chakra in the male body is intricately situated in a very congested area. Men do moola bandha and still nothing happens. But in a woman's body, you can even touch mooladhara with your fingers. Therefore, awakening can take place in a woman's body much more quickly than in the body of a man.

Another important point is that woman has always been the main transporter of energy and man the medium. The woman may not be your wife; she could be your mother, daughter or disciple, friend,. Mary was Christ's mother. The Mother of Aurobindo Ashram was a disciple. In the same way, in the tantric tradition, there is the story of the sixty four yoginis. The word yogini is the feminine gender of yogi. Now, these yoginis are worshipped all over India. There are sixty four temples dedicated to the sixty four aspects of feminine energy. One of them is in Assam, another in Calcutta at Kali Ghat.

Vama Marga

Now, when we study the books on tantra, we clearly come across one central theme: Shakti is the creator, and Shiva is instrumental. Shiva has never been considered a creator. One of the greatest thinkers and sages of India, Adi Shankaracharya, wrote in the first line of his most famous tantric work, 'Without Shakti, how can Shiva create?' Therefore, the Hindus have accepted the union of man and woman in order to facilitate the process of evolution through tantra.

Although, from time to time, the relationship between man and woman has had different purposes due to the cultural influences from various parts of the world, in Hinduism we have continued to remain steadfast on one point, that the relationship between man and woman has a spiritual objective.

Therefore, in tantra, a woman's place is on the left side. Before marriage, the girl sits on the right side, and when the marriage ceremony has taken place, then she sits on the left. She is thus known as vama. In Sanskrit, 'vama' means one who is on the left side. Vama also refers to ida.

There is an old story about Sita and Rama. When Rama was over sixty years of age, his wife Sita became pregnant and went to live for some time in the ashram of a saint. During this period, one of Sri Rama's duties as emperor was to perform a certain religious ceremony. However, the wise men ruled that he could not perform that ceremony without his wife in attendance. Because Sita could not be present and the ceremony was compulsory, they constructed a statue of her, and when the ceremony was being conducted the statue was placed on Rama's left side.

Now, in western countries, vama marga is a very misunderstood concept. They call it 'left hand tantra', which is an incorrect translation. If you are reading a book on tantra and find the words 'left hand tantra', take a red pencil and cross them out. In tantra, vama marga actually means the path of spiritual evolution, which is practised with your wife. Marga means path and vama means the wife, the woman, the partner, whichever she may be.

Tantric relationship

In vama marga, it is Shakti who is important, not only in sexual life but in spiritual practices, carrying out the processes of creation and in conducting most of the spiritual rituals. Amongst Hindus, all the rituals, religious and otherwise, are mainly conducted by women; men have to sit quietly. Woman is the commissioner; man is the participant. Whether it is an ordinary social ceremony, a religious ceremony, the worship of sonic deity, or a day of fasting, it is the woman who has to introduce it. The man just has to follow her. This is the tradition in India known as initiation from the woman to the man.

Now, what is vama marga? It is the spiritual path which can be practised along with your partner. The second division is called kalachakra. This involves the mother giving initiation in the son, The north of Bihar particularly is the centre for this type of initiation. Up to the borders of Nepal in the north. Assam in, the east, and Uttar Pradesh in the west, is the are in which the kalachakra initiation is prevalent, even today. According to this tradition, the son considers his mother a goddess. Every morning, just as Christians go to church on Sundays or Hindus go to the temple and bow down before the deity, or do some sort of prostration, in the same way, the son approaches his mother. This is not just a social respect that he pays to the elders of the family. It is a spiritual adoration which is performed, not because she is his mother, but because she is his guru.

The same thing is done in vama marga as well, but here it is not the son, but the partner who prostrates before the woman. Then the spiritual mark or mark of blessing has to be put. It is she who places it on him, not he who places it on her.

So these are the two important roles in which the woman is involved in tantra. It is a sad mistake to consider the woman in tantra only as a sexual partner. Sexual life is important, but it is not the only relationship that can exist between a man and woman. After all, your mother is also a woman, so too is your daughter, as well as your wife. Now, are you going to have the tantric relationship with all these, or are you going to have sexual relationships with all of them?

The woman comes first

In tantra the role of initiator is shifted from the male to the female. Ramakrishna Paramahansa always considered his wife Sarada as Devi, or goddess. In Sanskrit. Devi means illumined or illustrious. When Ramakrishna was married, he was very young and his wife was still a child, but he only regarded her as the Divine Mother. That is how he always behaved towards her, and that is what he considered her to be.

In tantra, the woman has to be dealt with very carefully because she is the high tension line for kundalini energy. You do not have to be afraid of her, but you have to be very careful, because in her lies the potentiality of a great explosion, if you have a wife, well, she is your wife. But if she is going to be a tantric partner in your spiritual life, then it is for a different purpose and then the process is entirely different,

In India, right from the beginning, there has been this tradition. Whenever you make a reference to a man and woman, you always refer to the woman first and then the man. We never say Ram Sita, we always say Sita Ram. You never hear Shyam Radhe: it is Radhe Shyam, Radha being the feminine and Shyam the masculine. This is because in the scheme of evolution. Shakti comes first and Shiva comes next. With this attitude, if you go On in spiritual life, either with your wife, daughter or disciple, then you have to see that she is the activator and you are the participant in every sphere. Even if a man has realised the higher awareness, he will still have difficulty in communicating that to others if he does not bring a woman into the picture.🙏🙏

What is Tantra Sex ?


It is good that after meditating on death you will be meditating on Tantra and Tantra sex. Because sex is also a small death. And because of that small death in sex, there is so much release of joy in you. For a single moment you disappear, and that moment is the climax, the orgasm. In that single moment you don’t know who you are. In that single moment you are pure energy vibrating, pulsating. With no center to it, with no ego in it.

In that single moment of orgasmic space you lose all boundaries, separation. You become vast, huge. You are no more separate from the other. That’s why there is so much joy – although the moment is very small. And once it is gone you feel very frustrated, because it has been so short, it
was so fleeting. And you start hankering again. And each time that moment comes you reach to a pinnacle and then you fall into a deep darkness, into the abyss.

So sex brings you joy, and sex brings you great misery too. It takes you to sunlit peaks and then drops you into the darkest valleys. After each sex act one feels frustrated. Something was happening, happening, and it happened...and you could not even catch hold of it and it was gone. So sex remains the greatest fascination and the greatest frustration.

Tantra is a totally different attitude. It says: There is joy in sex and there is frustration in sex. Because the moment of orgasm is very small. That moment can become very deep, that moment can remain there for hours. That moment, once you know the art of remaining in it, can surround you twenty-four hours. Tantra transforms sex. Tantra is the true religion. It does not choose between the fascination and the frustration, it transcends both. It uses sex as a key. And it is a key – because all life comes through it, all flowers bloom through it and all birds sing through it. All that you see around you, the
green and the red and the gold, all comes through sex and is sex energy. All the poetry and all the songs and all the music is rooted in sex-energy. All art, all creativity, is nothing but an expression of sex.

So Tantra sex has to be understood. A few things: The Tantric definition of sexuality is opposite to the modern definition. The modern mind regards sex as a need – like hunger for food – which incidentally provides sense-and ego-gratification. That’s how Freud thinks about sex, that it gives
you ego-gratification, satisfaction, relaxation; it relieves tensions, it is a need. Tantra regards sex as a powerful instinctual return to our ultimate reality, one of the highest forms of meditation.

Tantra is natural way to reach God's Consciousness

Tantra is the natural way to God, the normal way to God. The object is to become so completely instinctual, so mindless, that we merge with ultimate nature – that the woman disappears and becomes a door for the ultimate, the man disappears and becomes a door for the ultimate.

This is the tantric definition of our sexuality the return to absolute innocence, absolute oneness. The greatest sexual thrill of all is not a search for thrills, but a silent waiting – utterly relaxed, utterly mindless. One is conscious, conscious only of being conscious. One is consciousness. One is contented but there is no content to it. And then there is great beauty, great benediction.

The questioner asks What is tantric sex…a sex which is a meditation based on certain techniques?

If you are too technique oriented you will miss the mystery of Tantra. It is pseudo-Tantra that is based on techniques because if techniques are there, ego will be there, controlling. Then you will be doing it – and doing is the problem, doing brings the doer. Tantra has to be a non-doing; it cannot be technical. You can learn techniques – you can learn a certain breathing so that coitus can become longer. If you breathe very, very slowly,

 if you breathe without any hurry, then coitus will become longer, but you are controlling. It will not be wild and it will not be innocent, and it will not be meditation either. It will be mind – how can it be meditation? The mind will be controlling. You cannot even breathe fast, you have to keep your breathing slow – if the breathing is slow then ejaculation will take a longer time, because for ejaculation to happen the breathing has to be fast and chaotic. Now, this is technique but not Tantra.

Tantra cannot be written about, the real Tantra has to be imbibed. How to imbibe real Tantra? You will have to transform your whole approach.

Pray with your woman, sing with your woman, play with your woman, dance with your woman, with no idea of sex. Don't go on thinking, When are we going to bed? Forget about it. Do something else and get lost into it. And some day love will arise out of that being lost, suddenly you will see that you are making love and you are not making it.

It is happening, you are possessed by it. Then you have your first Tantra experience – possessed by something bigger than you. You were dancing or you were singing together or you were chanting together or you were praying together or meditating together, and suddenly you find you both have moved into a new space. And you don't know when you have started making love; you don't remember either. Then you are being possessed by Tantra energy. And then for the first time you will see a non-technical experience.




OM spiritual awakening 🕉️

Tantric sex

Tantra is not about giving into lust....Many people have been led astray in Tantric sex... because they only fell into lust....Suggestions for creating a Tantric environment.... include keeping the bedroom clean.... as well as oneself.... use incense and candles.... and meditative music..... Eat a light meal and either drink just one glass of water.... to attain a slight glow and to help relax....completely for the evening..... Use massage to begin foreplay..... Dancing.... feeding one another ...and taking a bath or shower together.... can also begin Tantric foreplay..... Loving conversation is good as long..... as it's not of the past or future...Keep your thoughts in the present.....Tantric sex requires you to fully engage all of your senses.... Be aware of what you hear..... of what you smell... of what you see....Be aware of the sensations on your skin..... Try to be totally cognizant of as many sensations as possible occurring at once....

Sacred Energy Xchange

After a recent "open heart" experience, I discovered that so many women fake orgasms because most men fake many men force sex to feel masculine, worthy and complete, only for that masculine cycle to begin all over again. We are all just seeking the deepest connection, with a loved one but mostly with self, the universe.

I don’t remember ever having faked an orgasm in my life, honestly. For many years my lovers would drain all my energy and strength, me trying to grab the full attention, to be needed, felt, seen, lusted and wanted, to be adored, to achieve bliss, the ultimate joy that drives us wild.

I continued to honour my own body and it has never even occurred to me to fake it.

However, I am realizing lately how common it is for women to fake orgasms.

A few women tell me they fake it, because they feel so dissatisfied sexually, with self and just want to get it over with. This happens for many different reasons related to lack of contact with their sexual energy, low libido, insecurity, lack of connection to the body, relationship issues and not enough foreplay.  When you are not a whole sexual being with the raw animal energy that only the soul can understand, how can you in any way be a whole human being, functioning and saving your own and other souls, building on new inventions, ideas, making love and peace, our world a better and beautiful place of love.

Considering our global average for an average total sexual intercourse time of roughly four to five minutes, if you are lucky, it’s safe to say that most couples don’t spend enough time on foreplay.  For me personally, foreplay can last for weeks, it's a sublime experience.  It has become a mindful form of delicious self awareness.

According to Tantric principles, a woman’s body needs much more time to fully awaken and reach states of ecstasy and true orgasm. I usually recommend at least 30 minutes of foreplay, preferably more, preferably much more.  I recently held back for a heavenly week to honour my yoni, my body, my needs and it was beyond powerful and extremely divine.

If you don’t believe that women fake orgasms, or that there’s a remote possibility you’ve ever been with a woman who faked orgasm, see the video clip below for Meg Ryan’s spectacular and convincing fake orgasm. Ahem, so that’s settled then.

Even when they are having orgasms, the feminine I meet and connect with, only experience short, superficial clitoral orgasms, leaving them feeling exhausted and depleted afterwards. Very few women experience deeper internal orgasms, or the feeling of dissolving into orgasmic bliss or expanding into ecstasy that is actually part of every woman’s sexual potential. 

A friend of mine was taught in high school sex education that 90% of women cannot have internal orgasms, so she didn’t bother even trying to have anything but clitoral orgasms. My own sex education basically consisted of putting a condom on a banana. This kind of disempowering, bogus “sex education” has saddened me but has made me desperate to go deeper into understanding shame & guilt.

Why not teach women that their body can be a wonderland of ecstatic bliss if they’ll only devote the time and energy to discovering its secrets? Why not teach men that they can have whole body non-ejaculatory orgasms? Why not teach all teenagers that sex can be sacred, profound, loving and deeply transforming when done consciously?

Most of us are never taught that there are more than 50 different kinds of female orgasm. The clitoris is just one tiny, little aspect of female sexuality. The real gold lies buried deeper in the Yoniverse (vagina)—the G-spot, the A-spot and the cervix are all important places to get to know better. When your body shivers from the top of head through each part of you down to your toes.

Then there’s also whole body energetic orgasm, orgasm from nipple stimulation, vaginal canal orgasms, orgasms that come from your lover kissing your labia, the list goes on. Women usually need long, slow foreplay to experience these kinds of orgasms. Men need long foreplay too, to build the sexual energy gradually so they can last longer, connect deeper to their partner and develop higher sensitivity.

It’s not about chasing orgasms though, the idea is to become orgasmic. We want to feel the orgasmic energy flowing through our bodies for hours on end, interspersed with more intense orgasms, rather than just short peak experiences where we feel exhausted afterwards.

During prolonged states of profound pleasure and orgasm we let go of the mind, any stress and tensions, and relax into the fullness of who we are. The more often we can experience these states with awareness, the easier it is to release limiting ego patterns, become more conscious and connected to ourselves and our loved ones and feel our blissful nature in all areas of life. Sex becomes a deep spiritual practice.

Here are some even essential elements of Tantric foreplay that I have saved and use as a basis for this kind of soulution of the Sacred Energy exchanges we seek:

"1. Make sure you’re in a good mood and feeling connected,
Contrary to popular belief, foreplay doesn’t begin in the bedroom. It starts from making sure you’re in a good mood and feeling connected to yourself, then and only then can you truly connect with your lover. Do whatever you need to do before to feel relaxed, peaceful and present in your body: move around, dance, do yoga, meditate, run, have a bath. Just don’t go straight from work or being on the computer to play time! Take time to prepare yourself so you feel fresh and clean and wear something you feel good in.

2. Create an inspiring space,
Dirty dishes, piles of washing or paperwork, kids toys and clutter are just not a turn-on, ever. Take a little time to create an inspiring sacred space for your lovemaking. Some people say that the difference between Tantric sex and regular sex is incense and candles. That’s not exactly true, but I do really love lighting a few candles to set the mood and transform a mundane space into something more beautiful and magical. I strongly recommend banning all overhead lighting from your intimate experiences. Think soft, gentle lamp light and mood lighting. Throwing fabric over unseemly clutter works wonders too.

3. Connect in the heart first.
Take a few minutes to just sit together and tune in to your partner and let go of any distractions from your day. Simply hold hands, breathe, close your eyes and feel the connection between you. Visualise love flowing between your hearts. Set the intention to be fully present, give your best to each other and have a beautiful experience together.

4. Let go of the idea of a goal.
In Tantric foreplay, we’re not just trying to get things wet enough to go on to the main event of penetration. We focus on being conscious in every moment, taking time to really feel, going slowly, developing a more refined sensitivity instead of going for more sensation. A slow warm up is essential and makes for more ecstatic bliss later for everyone.

Men, don’t skip straight to the breasts or genitals, but take time to caress her whole body – there are many erogenous zones to discover! Keep the foreplay going for at least half an hour, no matter how much she begs for you to come inside. Just try it. Trust me. Also, for a change, don’t end in ejaculation and feel the difference in your energy level afterwards.

5. Explore orally.
Traditionally, Tantric foreplay involves the man being more active, as his body generally doesn’t need as much time to warm up. I heard a joke once: For a man, there are basically only two types of foreplay: The first is waiting to have his penis touched, and the second is having his penis touched.

So, men, it is generally better to kiss her down there first and let her warm up deliciously slowly. Take time to get to know her intimately, don’t focus on the clitoris too much. Experiment with different tongue strokes. Realise how beautiful and sacred this part of her body is. Honour every inch of her.

6. Be intuitive, follow the flow, be spontaneous.
Most articles I’ve read about Tantric foreplay say things like, “Take a bath together, touch each other in this specific way, lick her toes one by one.” In reality, there is no set formula and it can be a danger to follow those kind of specific instructions because everyone is different. It’s just about tuning in to your partner and feeling what connects you deeper and makes you more present together.

Don’t fall into the trap of assuming you know what your lover likes best or having habitual, repetitive sex. Be open for new experiences and follow the flow of what feels natural for your body in each moment, it will definitely take you to some exciting, unchartered territory.

7. Above all else, strive to be present.
Keep your eyes open and the lights on most of the time. Stay present together. There is nothing sexier than someone fully present in their body, someone so conscious they can feel even the most subtle orgasmic energy and let it fill their whole body completely.

If you’re totally stuck in your mind, you can’t feel connected to your lover, and you definitely can’t dissolve into ecstatic orgasmic bliss! To become more present, just focus on the breath and the physical sensations in the body. If your mind wanders away, gently bring it back again and again to the present moment. Embrace the sensory experience fully."

Don’t evet forget to savour it all...

Do you have any juicy foreplay tips you can share with me? 

These are the conversations I dream of.

Tantra for Bliss god's gift is this body for highest super consciousness bliss

Tantric sex 💕☯️ecstasy 💞
There is excitement only in the beginning. Then there is calmness, relaxing, no rush, no movement. There is exchanging energy between you and your partner. Yin- Yang ☯️💗💞. You are recharging yourself by your partner and you partner is recharging by you. There is no ejaculation, ( unless you wanna child) and no waste of vital energy. No rush , no time, no ego, no duality. This trans can last for hours, or this ecstasy can last for days. Then brahmacharya could happen, but only through sex act and not through suppression energy or avoiding sex. During cosmic orgasm there’s vibration and every cell of your body has got ecstasy. You are sound , you are oneness with your beloved. There is oneness, wholeness.

Tantric sex

Tantric sex does not teach you to indulge in uncontrolled sexual, dark appetites, or multiplying your desires and wallowing in pleasure. In fact, it trains us to control desire to channel it to higher purposes. Although some people use tantric sex as a way to rationalize having sex with many different people or many people at once, this is not true tantra. Sexuality is to be honored and used for the purpose of awakening the Kundalini and achieving higher states of consciousness, rather than simply physical stimulation or satisfaction. Tantric sex trains you to be able to connect with others emotionally and spiritually, without having to engage bodies in sex. Tantric sex practices sometimes do not even include genital contact, it's more about energetic and spiritual contact between partners. The connection of genitals only serves to heighten the energetic connection when a couple is ready for that physical stage. Sacred sex is the connection between two souls for the intention of a divine union and igniting the fire of the serpents to ascend and strike the pineal gland. It is not for physical thrill, lust, or intent to use another person for personal sexual or emotional satisfaction. The coming together of two beings is considered an act of Divinity, to be taken seriously and done with great reverence, serving as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world and reached via the vehicles of body, breath, and consciousness.

What is the Difference between Normal sex ? And Tantric sex ?

Question : What’s the difference between Normal sex & Tantric sex ?

Osho : Your sex act and the tantric sex act are basically different. Your sex act is to relieve; it is just like sneezing out a good sneeze. The energy is thrown out and you are unburdened. It is destructive, it is not creative. It is good — therapeutic. It helps you to be relaxed, but nothing more. The tantric sex act is basically, diametrically opposite and different. It is not to relieve, it is not to throw energy out. It is to remain in the act without ejaculation, without throwing energy out; to remain in the act merged — just at the beginning part of the act, not the end part.

This changes the quality; the complete quality is different then. Try to understand two things. There are two types of climaxes, two types of orgasm. One type of orgasm is known. You reach to a peak of excitement, then you cannot go further: the end has come. The excitement reaches to a point where it becomes non-voluntary. The

energy jumps into you and goes out. You are relieved of it, unburdened. The load is thrown; you can relax and sleep. You are using it like a tranquilizer.

It is a natural tranquilizer: a good sleep will follow — if your mind is not burdened by religion. Otherwise even the tranquilizer is destroyed. If your mind is not burdened by religion, only then can sex be a tranquilizing thing. If you feel guilt, even your sleep will be disturbed. You will feel depression, you will start condemning yourself and you will begin to take oaths that now you won’t indulge anymore. Then your sleep will become a nightmare afterwards.

If you are a natural being not too much burdened by religion and morality, only then can sex be used as a tranquilizer. This is one type of orgasm — coming to the peak of excitement. Tantra is centered on another type of orgasm. If we call the first kind a peak orgasm, you can call the tantric orgasm a valley orgasm. In it you are not coming to the peak of excitement, but to the very deepest valley of relaxation. Excitement has to be used for both in the beginning. That is why I say that in the beginning both are the same, but the ends are totally different.

Tantric yoga

Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu practice that has been going for over 5,000 years, and means 'the weaving and expansion of energy'. It's a slow form of sex that's said to increase intimacy and create a mind-body connection that can lead to powerful orgasms.

What is sex magic? Sex magic allows  you to harness the raw energy in the universe and direct it to produce the outcomes you choose. Sex Magic lets you attract what you desire in life. Although you can do this with any type of magic, Sex magic is an effective way to accomplish your objectives.

First, let me explain what sex magic isn’t. Even though there are some similarities, sex magic isn't Tantra or Tantric practices. Sex magic isn’t some sort of freaky or kinky game. It’s not intended to spice up your love life or increase your chances of having sex. The main purpose isn’t even sexual enjoyment or procreation. However, it’s likely your intimate relationships and sexual satisfaction will improve as a result of practicing sex magic, but that just isn't the primary objective.

Sex magic is a means to an end, a way to mobilize the amazing creative power of sexual energy to manifest a desired result. Basically, you do sex magic for the same reasons you would do any other type of magic: to cause something you desire to happen/manifest. Your goal might be to promote healing, attract money or to achieve spiritual enlightenment. When you add sexual energy, you increase the intensity of a magic spell. It’s like adding more octane to gasoline.

Sexual energy is the creative life force agency. Its nature is to create. If the union of male and female can create a physical child on the physical plane; every sexual act can be use to create or manifest on higher planes, regardless of whether a baby is produced on the material plane. During sex, you can plant "seeds" with your thoughts into the fertile "womb" of the cosmic matrix. You impregnate the matrix with what’s known as magical seeds.

Your thoughts and emotions are the hammer and chisel with which you carve your reality from the raw material of the universe: energy.  Buddha said, "With our thoughts, we make the world." This means that everything we experience in our sensory world evolves from our individual and collective thoughts.

To successfully perform magic of any kind you need a focused mind and sex focuses your attention. Orgasm, by its very nature, requires your total participation. During an orgasm you’re completely present in the moment; the ability to part the veil or shift consciousness at the moment of organism, allows you to channel the energy towards a desired goal.  When you do sex magic you kick things up a notch. You throw another log on the fire and fan the flames. Your mind creates an intention, your body provides the fuel and your Spirit guides the result. -Magnetic Kundalini-