Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tantric sex

Tantric sex does not teach you to indulge in uncontrolled sexual, dark appetites, or multiplying your desires and wallowing in pleasure. In fact, it trains us to control desire to channel it to higher purposes. Although some people use tantric sex as a way to rationalize having sex with many different people or many people at once, this is not true tantra. Sexuality is to be honored and used for the purpose of awakening the Kundalini and achieving higher states of consciousness, rather than simply physical stimulation or satisfaction. Tantric sex trains you to be able to connect with others emotionally and spiritually, without having to engage bodies in sex. Tantric sex practices sometimes do not even include genital contact, it's more about energetic and spiritual contact between partners. The connection of genitals only serves to heighten the energetic connection when a couple is ready for that physical stage. Sacred sex is the connection between two souls for the intention of a divine union and igniting the fire of the serpents to ascend and strike the pineal gland. It is not for physical thrill, lust, or intent to use another person for personal sexual or emotional satisfaction. The coming together of two beings is considered an act of Divinity, to be taken seriously and done with great reverence, serving as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world and reached via the vehicles of body, breath, and consciousness.

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